Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

Verify GPG signatures

Why not just use checksums?

Regular checksums (in MD5 or SHA256) provide a way to verify the package integrity, i.e., the package has not been 'corrupted' during the download. However, they are useless to prove that the packages really come from us and have not been tampered with. To achieve this, we use cryptographic signatures via GPG by signing each package with our own personal key.

Verifying a signature

If you use Linux, you should be able to find your way around easily. On macOS, you can use GPGTools. If you are on Windows, you can find more information on verifying gpg signatures in the Tor Project website.

Ok, so we now have gpg installed and working. For each package that you download from our website, for example, we provide a detached signature file named This signature is generated with our personal key. In order to verify it, you first need to import the key:


gpg --keyserver --recv-keys  0x448C2B189756743013D5F7C22FD2A59C1D734C1F


You can now verify the signature for each file:


gpg --verify


If the verification succeeded, you should see a line "Good signature from [...]" somewhere in the output, like so:


gpg: Signature made Mon 19 Feb 2024 12:46:08 CET
gpg:                using RSA key 448C2B189756743013D5F7C22FD2A59C1D734C1F
gpg: Good signature from "Antoni Sagrista Selles "
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